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JustFundKY acknowledges that institutional racism exists in conscious and unconscious forms.  We see it in education, in business, in politics, and in law enforcement. We know that our queer and trans siblings of color suffer far greater injustices than white LGBTQ Kentuckians.
The Cliff Todd annual grant program commits to prioritizing LGBTQ antiracist projects and programs to help create a brighter Kentucky for all its citizens. As Emma Lazarus so powerfully stated, “Until we are all free, none of us are free.”




2024 Funds Allocated to Support Anti-LGBTQ Legal Challenge

Kentucky’s public educational institutions face a crisis enforcing 2023 Senate Bill 150, particularly regarding the treatment and safety of LGBTQ students across the state.  SB 150 dismantles previous policies of Fayette County schools which supported the diverse needs of students, and forces all public school systems in Kentucky to adopt policies that blatantly undermine the well-being of students.

In response to these challenges, JustFundKY, a nonprofit organization striving to improve the lives and safety of LGBTQ individuals in Kentucky, is backing a lawsuit filed against Fayette County Schools.  JustFundKY is channeling 100% of its 2024 grant funds into supporting legal action against these harmful policies. Your support in this fight is vital. If you’re ready to stand up for justice, please consider contributing to the lawsuit at https://justfundky.org/donate/.  Your voice matters.

Special LGBTQ Legal Defense & Education Fund Established

There is a pressing issue affecting the transgender community in Kentucky. The recent passage of SB-150 by the KY General Assembly has launched a direct attack on the rights and well-being of transgender individuals. This legislation, characterized by its reactionary, cruel, and discriminatory nature, demands our immediate attention and united action.

SB-150 effectively denies transgender youth in Kentucky access to vital gender-affirming care. Numerous studies have demonstrated that gender-affirming medical treatments, such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy, have a profound positive impact on the mental health of young people with gender dysphoria. By restricting these life-saving treatments, SB-150 effectively endangers the lives of Kentucky children.

This bill goes even further by prohibiting discussions and educational programming on gender identity and sexual orientation in schools. It effectively erases the existence of transgender individuals and prevents children from learning about the gender spectrum. By denying the science and reality of gender identity and sexual orientation, SB-150 not only harms young people struggling with these issues but also deprives all children of essential knowledge about diverse gender identities, impeding their ability to become informed and empathetic adults.

While you may be aware that the ACLU has filed a lawsuit challenging SB 150’s removal of gender-affirming care for trans youth, we, at JustFundKY, are part of another suit addressing the educational oppression of LGBTQ youth under this bill. To support gender and sexual freedom in the Commonwealth, we have committed $100,000 of our future earnings. However, we cannot do this alone. We need your help.

Please consider making a contribution to our cause here https://JustFundKY.org/donate. Your donation will make a tangible difference and help us protect the rights and well-being of the transgender community. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

2023 Grant Awards Announced

For Immediate Release     

JustFundKY is proud to announce the 2023 grant recipients of the Cliff Todd Endowment!  This year’s submissions show innovative adaptations to a chilly political climate for LGBTQ people in Kentucky. 

JustFundKY is a $2 million endowment that funds educational projects in Kentucky from Pikeville to Paducah.  Since 2011, JustFundKY has granted $577,000 to 71 community organizations.  In twelve years, we have touched every county in the Commonwealth raising awareness of the issues impacting LGBTQ people and supporting projects that create a more just and joyful Kentucky.

This year we have awarded $57,724.  Among the many excellent projects JustFundKY funded in 2023 are grants to support Drag Queen Storytime and monthly LGBTQ events at the RiverPark Center in Owensboro. 

This year’s grant recipients are:

  • Frontrunners, $8500 for a community viewing of the documentary Changing the Game
  • RiverPark Center, $7500 for LGBTQIA+ programming, including Pride Night and monthly events

JustFundKY is proud to help transform the landscape of Kentucky to brighten the lives of its LGBTQ citizens. 

Scorsone Event

Save the Date Thursday 11/3/2022

Supreme Court Action on 6/24/2022

In the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, JustFundKY recognizes the rights of each person to bodily autonomy whether that be who we love, if and when we want to have children, if we choose gender transition, in short to live lives free of coercion, violence, and oppression.  As Emma Lazarus so powerfully stated, “Until we are all free, none of us are free.”

2022 Grant Awards Announced

For Immediate Release     

May 11, 2022

JustFundKY is proud to announce the 2022 grant recipients of the Cliff Todd Endowment!  This year’s submissions show innovative adaptations to Covid-19 restrictions and a commitment to the JFKY funding priorities of antiracist LGBTQ work and rural outreach. 

JustFundKY is a $ 2+ million endowment that funds educational projects in Kentucky from Pikeville to Paducah.  Since 2011, JFKY has granted $520,000 to 65 community organizations.  In ten years, we have touched every county in the commonwealth raising awareness of the issues impacting LGBTQ people, and supporting projects that create a more just and joyful Kentucky.

This year’s grant recipients are:

Among the many excellent projects JustFund funded this year are an evening with Cookie Johnson sponsored by Bluegrass Black Pride, and inclusion training for the Powell County Schools. Along with these amazing projects:

  • Ashland Kentucky Pride, $1500 for Safe Zone trainings
  • Arts Connect, $2900 to host an event with Silas House at the Lexington Public Library
  • Ban Conversion Therapy, $1500 to host trainings
  • Berea Pride, $2500 to support their pride festival
  • Bluegrass Black Pride, $5000 to host an evening with Cookie Johnson
  • Drag Queen Storytime Kentucky, $2800 to support community reading programs
  • Fireside Industries, $2500 for LGBTQ publishing projects
  • GLSEN, $2415 to create Rainbow Libraries for rural schools
  • Kentucky Black Pride, $4000 for No More Silence workshop trainings
  • Lexington Pride Center, $6442 to create a resource center
  • Looking for Lilith, $3000 to support a LGBTQ play production
  • Louisville Pride, $2000 to launch the pride center
  • Louisville Youth Group, $2000 to support a speaker and prom
  • PGLAG Somerset, $3000 to support their pride festival
  • Pikeville Pride, $4000 to support their pride festival
  • Powell County Schools, $1600 to do inclusion training for district staff
  • Queer Kentucky, $4000 for expansion in Eastern/Appalachian Region
  • Queering Spirituality, $1750 for youth outreach and support at Ahava
  • RADIOLEX, $2500 to support conversations with Kentucky LGBTQ activists
  • Sweet Evening Breeze, $5000 for resources for homeless LGBTQ youth
  • The Nest, $3000 for LGBTQ Wellness workshops
  • Weathering Rainbows Podcast, $5000 for 10 episodes highlighting the talents of LGBTQ people

2022: Grant Applications Now Open

A New Year For LGBTQ Equality For Kentuckians

JustFundKY is excited to announce we are accepting applications to become a 2022 Cliff Todd Endowment grant recipient.  More Info here: Click Here for Info

Our Cliff Todd Endowment grant recipients promote fairness and equality for LGBTQ Kentuckians throughout the Commonwealth, using education as their method for accomplishing this goal.

Over the last decade, JustFundKY has awarded a historic $455,000 to support LGBTQ projects across Kentucky. The projects of our past grant recipients positively impacting our community, touching every corner of the Commonwealth, and transforming the lives of LGBTQ Kentuckians. 

2022 GuideStar Platinum Award

We’re excited to share that JustFundKY has again earned a Platinum Seal of Transparency for 2022 with Candid! This is their highest level awarded. You can continue to support our work with trust and confidence by viewing our #NonprofitProfile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/20-8465456

$2,000,000 Celebration Event Held

Saturday, November 20th, 2021 at 21c Museum and Hotel Lexington! Wow. What a night to remember. JustFundKY’s Cliff Todd Endowment hit and exceeded the $2,000,000 mark. The endowment, which provides grants to education projects promoting LGBTQ equality and inclusivity, is now one of the largest permanent LGBTQ endowments in the South.   We had such a wonderful evening celebrating the life of our dear friend Cliff Todd, the new exhibit by Robert Morgan, and celebrating our $2,000,000 milestone. Sharing this night with friends and those who believe in Kentucky is something we will always cherish. 

On behalf of everyone at JustFundKY, we are so very thankful for your support and belief in our mission toward equality for all Kentuckians. More info: 2021 Event